Hi, I'm Brandon Taft

I'm a software engineer specializing in developing full-stack products.

I am currently freelancing as a web application developer.


About Me

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Brandon Taft

Professional Web Designer

I am an outdoor enthusiast with experience in information and communications technology. Building new and amazing things is what I love to do and is my favorite part of being web developer. I have a serious passion for creating high performance, stable, and scalable programs with creative and dynamic user experiences. Currently my focus is on honing my skills by creating tutorials on various programming related topics.

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My Skills

React / React Native

What I Do

Clean Code

I have a major focus on continuing to develop my ability to write clean, efficient, and easy to read code.


I've recently launched a series of tutorials focused on better understanding computer science sorting algorithms.


I effectively communicate and work with multi-disciplinary teams of engineers, designers, and clients.

I Love Coding!

My passion shows in the pride I take in my work and my eagerness to continue to grow center as a developer.

My Work

React Autocomplete Input Package

A React autocomplete input component that is accessible, customizable, and easy to implement. Flexible enough to be used with just an array and a function or make it as robust as you want with options such as built in error handling, submit button, and custom styling.


Notify is a mobile-friendly workplace conferencing and messaging application. I t is built using React Native and a Nede server that utilizes a Mongo DB database. It utilizes push notifications reminders and message alerts. It allows the users to have private rooms as well as public chatrooms.

Are You Smarter Than Erin

I was tasked with creating a game that would help my peers be more engaged with monthly E-learnings. Erin is my employer's human resources AI app, hence the name, and the game allows allows users to compete for spots on a leaderboard by answering questions based on 1 of 20 categories. I used Passport and JWT for authentication to keep everyone honest while allowing users to login with their Google or Facebook credentials. The front end is built with Next.js and deployed with Vercel. While the Node backend utilizes Sequelize ORM with a PostgreSQL.


CS Visuals is a tutorial that uses visualizations to walk through and explain different sorting algorithms. It is interactive, allowing the user to control the speed at which the tutorial moves through the explanation. The app was built with Next.js while the animations are created with css and Javascript.

Check Out The Website

A dynamic and responsive health services website made for a client. Features a testimonial and rating section, Google Maps, and a custom order form that accepts online payment.




Let's Get In Touch!

+1 (770) 634-6786